So Daniels first Halloween has come and gone. He was the cutest dinosaur I have ever seen. We went to a Halloween party the week before and Matt's parents house. Reuben and I were Fred and Wilma flinstone. Earlier in the day we went to my grandpas house and carved pumpkins with my sister and her husband. Daniel wanted nothing to do with the guts of the pumpkin while we were cleaning them all out. I think it might have been to cold. After the guts had been sitting out for a while he was all about playing with it. We put him in his highchair and he had a field day. He even tried to eat it. I don' t think he liked it much. He also had his own little pumpkin to paint. So we pulled out the paints and let him have at it. He seemed to have a good time. You could tell when he was done though. I gave him a bathafter the painting was done and found out that the paint stained his hands. He had blue and green hands for a couple of days.
So the night before Halloween we carved the little pumpkin my dad bought for him. Again he wanted nothing to do with the guts inside the pumpkin, but loved them when they were on the floor. We carved a moon and stars into his pumpkin because we read Goodnight Moon to him every night. I just thought it was fitting.
So on Halloween we get him dressed in his costume and head over to my grandpas so he could see Daniel all dressed up. I think they both had a great time. After my grandpas house we took him to the mall so people could see him in his costume and so he could play on the toys. Man there were a lot of people there. All the stores had signs up that said they were out of candy. It must have been a really busy night earlier.