Wednesday, November 12, 2008

15 Days and counting.

I can't belive that in 15 days my little man will be One. Where has the time gone? It seems like it was just yesterday that he was still growing inside my belly. He is not a baby anymore.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Daniels first Halloween

So Daniels first Halloween has come and gone. He was the cutest dinosaur I have ever seen. We went to a Halloween party the week before and Matt's parents house. Reuben and I were Fred and Wilma flinstone. Earlier in the day we went to my grandpas house and carved pumpkins with my sister and her husband. Daniel wanted nothing to do with the guts of the pumpkin while we were cleaning them all out. I think it might have been to cold. After the guts had been sitting out for a while he was all about playing with it. We put him in his highchair and he had a field day. He even tried to eat it. I don' t think he liked it much. He also had his own little pumpkin to paint. So we pulled out the paints and let him have at it. He seemed to have a good time. You could tell when he was done though. I gave him a bathafter the painting was done and found out that the paint stained his hands. He had blue and green hands for a couple of days.

So the night before Halloween we carved the little pumpkin my dad bought for him. Again he wanted nothing to do with the guts inside the pumpkin, but loved them when they were on the floor. We carved a moon and stars into his pumpkin because we read Goodnight Moon to him every night. I just thought it was fitting.

So on Halloween we get him dressed in his costume and head over to my grandpas so he could see Daniel all dressed up. I think they both had a great time. After my grandpas house we took him to the mall so people could see him in his costume and so he could play on the toys. Man there were a lot of people there. All the stores had signs up that said they were out of candy. It must have been a really busy night earlier.

Friday, October 17, 2008

It's been a long time.

So like I said before I am not sure if anyone ever reads these or not, but oh well. So we finaly have internet at our house. It was such a pain. We got it yesterday. A guy came on the 29th of Sept and said that he could not install becasue they had to bury a new line. Well that took almost 2 weeks for someone to come out and do that. I am just glad to be conected to the internet again.

So Daniel is getting big. He weighs about 20 lbs now. He started walking almost 3 weeks ago. He loves being able to to get up and walk around. This morning he was sitting in the middle of the floor and he stood up without having to pull himself up on anything. HE is trying to talk and now has 4 teeth. He is going to be a dinasaur for Halloween. He is just too cute in it.

Well Daniel has just gotten away and I have to go get him before he gets into the Cat's water dish.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Did you know?

That if you sign up for clear wire servicethey run your credit? I didn't. i signed up for service on the 19th and they told me I would get my equipment in 3-5 bussiness days. Well I called today because I have not gotten my equipment yet. They told me that they had no record of me. I was freaked out because I gave some guy my CC number. Well come to find out there was a problem with my credit check and they never told me. I was livid that they ran my credit and did not tell me.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Daniel got his first pair of shoes today.

So my aunt took us to Nordstrom today to get D his first pair of shoes. The lady there measured his feet and he is a size 4. Holy cow my baby has big feet. He tried on a couple fo pairs of Robees and he needed a size 18-24 months. He is 8 onths old. Anyway he got a cute little pair of Puma's ther are navy blue and white. I wonder if anyone even reads this.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Daniel is cutting his first tooth

My little boy is growing up so fast. I can not believe he will 8 months old this month. We went shopping today and I put him in the shopping cart for the first time ever. I used a disinfecting wipe because I know how gross those things can be. Anyway he wanted to chew on the metal bar really bad. I stuck my finger in his mouth so he would chew on that instead and I felt it. Boy that little bugger is sharp. No wonder mast babies are fussy. I didn't even know he was cutting one. he was a little fussy today, but I just thought it was because he was tired.
He has also been crawling for a few weeks now too. He can ge around really fast now. He likes to pull himslef up on what ever he can. I think he will be walking in no time. He likes to sit up on his knees too, but is sometimes a little wobely so he has fallen a couple of times and hit his head on the coffee table. I went to Babies r us today to get an edge guard and I forgot of course.
Well I guess that is all for now. I dont have internet at home yet (soon I hope) so maybe more later. i keep forgeting I have this thing.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Well I am new at thsi whole blogging thing so I am just going to start. My name is Kim and I have a wonderful husband named Reuben. We just had our first baby in November. His name is Daniel and he is my world.

He is growing up so fast. I gave him his first "big boy" food yesterday. I have been giving him cereal for a while now, but yesterday he got sweet potatoes. I cant not believe how fast he is growing up.